Teen Summer Reading Club 2024
Celebrating the Decades, Leading Up to Our Moment, Our Time
(Teens entering grades 6-12)

- The 2024 Summer Reading Club begins Saturday, June 22nd and ends Wednesday, August 28th.
- Stop in to the library to sign up for the Summer Reading Club and pick up your “Summer Reading Club” tote bags. You can also register for the Summer Reading Club here.
- Book reviews can be filled out by coming into the Library and asking for the form at the Reference Desk. The first two book reviews can be found in your Summer Reading Club tote bag.
- You will receive a raffle ticket once you read 2 books. After that, you will receive one raffle ticket for each book you read (up to 10 raffle tickets).
- There will be SIX raffle baskets as prizes this year, including a snow cone machine, a Taylor Swift basket and an Amazon Fire Smart TV.
- Read and review TWO books to get your certificate for school AND an invite to our end of summer reading club party on Thursday, August 29th, where there will be an ice cream social and snacks. Raffle prizes will also be auctioned off, as well as many other fun surprises!